S Phase is a student-run biotech investment club at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.




We are dedicated to educating advanced-degree candidates and early-career researchers on investing in emerging life science companies by performing due diligence, creating and pitching investment theses, actively managing portfolios, and hosting networking events while seeking capital growth.
We leverage our collective business and scientific expertise to identify and invest in publicly-traded small- and mid-cap life science companies that are currently undervalued due to market inefficiencies.
We aim to outperform $XBI - a biotech ETF that tracks an equal weighted index of US biotechnology stocks - as well as $SPY, the S&P 500 index.

General Partnership

Research Analyst Program (RAP)

What does it mean to be a Partner?
Partners in S Phase Biofund research and pitch new investment theses to the Partnership on a quarterly basis, monitor investment performance and relevant market news, attend seminars given by Vanderbilt alumni and members of the biotech and pharmaceutical industry.

For more information, see our FAQ page, or email sphasebiofund@gmail.com!
What is the Research Analyst Program?
Are you interested in biotech equity research? Maybe you're in business school, and want to learn more about evaluating companies on their intellectual merit. Maybe you're in a graduate research program and want to learn about the financial side of what makes a successful biotech or pharmaceutical company. We built RAP to combine these two worlds in an interactive and rewarding short course. No prior investing (or science) background necessary!

Not ready to join yet? Fill out our general interest form below to stay in the loop!

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